Successful cases

West China Fourth Hospital of Sichuan University

Customer's comment

Director Pang of the Information Department, West China Fourth Hospital of Sichuan University:
As an important business system platform, the intranet private cloud system bears more than 90% of the business systems in our hospital, among which the storage section is the top priority for data security in the whole system. The hybrid architecture storage of Virtual Clusters has fully met the demands of our hospital, in which the distributed storage based on X86 architecture can well meet the performance requirements of the private cloud platform and the ARM-architecture cold storage can perfectly back up the data of the private cloud. This solution can not only meet the online business system requirements but also the requirement of data backup with only one set of systems, which has well met the requirements of our hospital for newspaper publication, hospital informationization review and interconnection rating.


With the new storage architecture, Virtual Clusters has built a new storage environment for the private cloud center of West China Fourth Hospital of Sichuan University, which has achieved a breakthrough in the use of ARM architecture storage in the medical industry and set a new benchmark in the medical industry.

Introduction to the user

Established in 1976, the West China Fourth Hospital of Sichuan University is a Grade-A Tertiary Hospital directly under the National Health Commission integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention and rehabilitation. As an affiliated hospital of Sichuan University, a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education, it was highly appraised by the leadership of the National Health Commission and was praised as the "Mainstay" by leaders of Sichuan Province.

User's pain spots

As a hospital with the strongest comprehensive medical strength in the southwest region, the West China Hospital has always been at the forefront of informatization in the region, and leaders at all levels in the hospital also attach great importance to the information construction. As the existing private cloud platform has reached its upper limit in its storage capacity, in order not to affect the business development of the hospital, the hospital must expand the capacity of the private cloud resource pool and the storage. However, the traditional storage capacity expansion is not only difficult in the process but also involves the problems of data migration.


Based on the demands of West China Hospital, vClusters built a new storage environment for its private cloud center. The adoption of the X86 + ARM hybrid architecture can not only meet the needs of the front-end business system, but also realize the energy-saving backup. With this advantage, Virtual Clusters stood out from many competitors successfully.

Advantages of the solution

By adopting the vCluster distributed storage based on X86 architecture, West China Hospital has realized the high security, high reliability and convenient capacity expansion of its business system;

The use of vCluster ARM architecture storage has substantially saved the power supply cost in the machine room of West China Hospital and also improved the storage density, realizing highly efficient and reliable data backup.

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